;Cal. Celtic-days ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days-p.gif COMMENT=Updated February 2, 2018 \nCeltic Tree calendar see: Cal. Celtic Tree ;24.12. =Beth (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=1st month, 28d ;English=Birch 06.1. =Day of the Three-Fold Goddesses ;Note=Maid, Mother, Crone, 14 Beth {d} 13.1. =Feast of Brewing ;Note=21 Beth 17.1. =Britain, Wassailing the Apple Trees ;Note=25 Beth {d} ;21.1. =Luis (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=2nd month, 28d ;English=Rowan 26.1. =Sacred day of Cernunnos ;Note=Fertility God, 6 Luis {d} 01.2. =Oimelc, Brigit ;Note=Earth-mother, Goddess of Fire, Wisdom, Poetry & sacred Wells, 12 Luis {d} 02.2. =Serpent Day ;Note=snakes or badgers would come out of their winter dens and predict the weather {n} 05.2. =Feast of Ia ;Note=sacred maiden who sailed from Ireland to Cornwall on a giant leaf, 16 Luis {d} 05.2. =Anglo-Saxon Day of Wyrd* ;Note=Nones of February is supposed to do with fate (Anglo-Saxon word Wyrd) ;18.2. =Nuin/Nion (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=3th month, 28/29d ;English=Ash 18.2.+12Dy =Holy Wells Day, sacred to Ceadda ;Note=goddess of healing springs & holy wells, 13/14 Nuin/Nion {d-03-02} 18.2.+12Dy =Scottish Celtic, Day of Crows ;Note=behavior of crows should be regarded as prophetic, 13/14 Nuin/Nion {d-03-02} 18.2.+14Dy =Feast of Rhiannon ;Note=Celtic/Welsh Mother Goddess, 14/15 Nuin/Nion {d-03-03} 18.2.+23Dy =Start of Flowering Time ;Note=23/24 Nuin/Nion ;18.3. =Fearn (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=4th month, 28d ;English=Alder 19.3. =observance for Nemetoma ;Note=Goddess of the Sacred Grove {d} 23.3. =Festival of Esus the Hunter ;Note={d} 26.3. =Mabon ap Modron ;Note=Deity of youth, 9 Fearn {d} ?Solitude Day 02.4. =Sacred Day of Ceadda ;Note=God of springs & healing waters, symbolized by the Crann Bethadh (tree of life), 16 Fearn {d} 09.4. =Modron's Day ;Note=Welsh goddess & daughter of Avalloc, who evolved from the earlier Celtic goddess Matrona, 23 Fearn {d} 11.4. =Nehelenia's Day ;Note=25 Fearn {d} ;15.4. =Saille (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=5th month, 28d ;English=Willow 16.4. =St. Padarm's Day ;Note=2 Saille 30.4. =Feast of Blathmat and Lugh (1/3d) ;Note=16 Saille {d} 01.5. =Feast of Blathmat and Lugh (2/3d) ;Note=17 Saille 02.5. =Feast of Blathmat and Lugh (3/3d) ;Note=18 Saille 04.5. =Festival of Cerridwen ;Note=Crone Goddess, Goddess of Rebirth & Inspiration, 20 Saille {d} ;13.5. =Huath (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=6th month, 28d ;English=Hawthorn 18.5. =Festival of the Horned God Cennunos ;Note=God of fertility, life, animals, wealth & underworld, 6 Huath {d} 19.5. =Sacred Day of Brigit ;Note=sacred healing wells & springs were adorned with flowers in honour of the goddess Brigit, daughter of the mother goddess Danu & father god Dagda {d} 24.5. =Festival of the Three Mother Goddesses ;Note=worshipped as bringers of prosperity & a good harvest, 12 Huath {d} 01.6. =Festival of the Oak Nymph ;Note=20 Huath {d} ;10.6. =Duir (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=7th month, 28d ;English=Oak 20.6. =Festival of Cerridwen ;Note=Goddess of Fertility, 11 Duir 28.2.+113Dy =Litha/Alban Hefin ;Note=June 21 (20 June on leap years) {d-06-21} English=summer solstice 23.6. =The Green Man, Day of Cu Chulain ;Note=Celtic hero, 14 Duir {d} 03.7. =Festival of Cerridwen ;Note=fertility Goddess, 24 Duir {d} ;08.7. =Tinne (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=8th month, 28d ;English=Holly 22.7. =Feast of Habondia ;Note=Goddess of harvest, abundance, prosperity, hearth, home & fertility, 15 Tinne {d} 31.7. =Lammas Eve, Oidche Lugnasa to honour Lugh ;Note=Celtic Sun God & patron saint of sorcery, poetry, history & carpenters, 24 Tinne {d} 01.8. =Lughnasadh ;Note=25 Tinne {d} ;05.8. =Coll (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=9th month, 28d ;English=Hazel 06.8. =Festival of Tan Hill ;Note=honors Tan/Teinne, Personification of Holy Fire, 2 Coll {d} 11.8. =Feast of Father Sky ;Note=Honoring God Taranis, 7 Coll {d} 15.8. =Arrianhod ;Note=Mother Godesses, 11 Coll {d} ;02.9. =Muin (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=10th month, 28d ;English=Vine 29.9. =Gwynn ap Nudd ;Note=God of both the Underworld & the Faerie Kingdom, 28 Muin {d} ;30.9. =Gort (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=11th month, 28d ;English=Ivy 18.10. =Herne, Cernunnos ;Note=19 Gort {d} ;28.10. =Ngetal (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=12th month, 28d ;English=Reed 08.11. =Gwynn ap Nudd, lord of the faerie kingdom, permits the door to be opened for a day ;Note=Glastonbury Tor, entrance to the lower world, 12 Ngetal {d} 14.11. =Moccas ;Note=Fig Tree Goddess/Pig Goddess, 18 Ngetal {d} 21.11. =Day of Cailleach ;Note=25 Ngetal {d} ;25.11. =Ruis (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=13th month, 28d ;English=Elder 11.12. =Arainrhod ;Note=Welsh Goddess of stars and reicarnation, Moon Goddess, The Snow Queen Goddess, 17 Ruis {d} 18.12. =Feast of Eponalia ;Note=Mother-Goddess, Patroness of Horses, 24 Ruis {d} ;19.12. =Hand of Yule (25 Ruis>Unhew Stone) ;Note=Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=Greg. 19.12. >23.12., Winter Solstice always falls within that period 21.12. =Festival of the Stars ;Note=27 Ruis {d} ;23.12. =Secret of the Unhewn Stone (blank day) (Celtic Tree Calendar) ;Note=symbolic of the Day of Creation {d} ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;On http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ you find a library of additional files for PTBSync ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.moonsweb.com/month_cailleach.shtml ;http://www.angelfire.com/or/sirbeef/holidays.html